Monday, June 22, 2009

1st day of class!

I have never been a blogger... however, I'm very excited to start now! This will be a fun semester and a fun assignment! Hopefully I get the hang of blogging!
When I entered my humanities class today I honestly did not know what to expect.  I was not sure what you studied in humanities.  Was it history? or perhaps poetry? I was very surprised to find out that it was possibly a combination of both, but that it also included zombies, art, books, TV shows, and my favorite, music (of all types!).  I still have a lot to learn about humanities and all that is involved in the study of humanities, but from just the small amount we talked about today I am starting to realize the full importance that it holds in our secondary studies at BYU.   
We watched a performance online and analyzed it.  It was fun to look at all the different aspects of the performance.  From the outfits of the performers, to the words of the song.  All of these things are important to the complete meaning of the work of art.  Like an art masterpiece, TV shows, and music are all meant to convey a meaning from the artist to his or her audience.  Everything involved with the piece of work are important and can relate it to everyday life and people.
Again I state that I do not know hardly anything about Humanities yet, but hopefully over the next 7 weeks I will learn more and start to more fully appreciate all that is involved with it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're having a good experience so far and I hope that the next few weeks will be helpful to you. :)
