Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind!

This week, so far, the readings have all been very good and thought provoking.  But the reading that I got the most out of was a segment of writing by Helen Keller, at the end of the 5th chapter.  Its entitled Three Days to See.  
Helen Keller was an amazing individual.  She overcame more than anyone else ever had up to that point in history, and she didn't take life lying down.  I think that most people if they were born blind and deaf would pity themselves... and make excuses for themselves.  But Helen rose above any expectations people had for her and then kept on rising.  She is far smarter than I am... and I have both my hearing and sight.  She is an inspiration for everyone, not just the blind and deaf... but those of us who have our hearing and sight and don't use them to their full potential!
In her writing three day's to see she discusses how sad it is that those of us who can see rarely do see.  She speaks of an encounter she had with a friend who took a walk through the woods and when Helen asked her what she saw her friend replied "nothing in particular" Helen was blown away by this because when she took walks through the woods she would learn so much just by feel.  Just by touching a tree trunk she could tell what it was and if a bird was singing in that tree she could feel the vibrations from the song in the trunk! she writes "at times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things.  If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight!".  Helen then says something that i love! she says "long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little"! It is so true!
Helen then goes onto describe what she would see if she only had three days to see.  The first day she would spend with friends.  She would look at their faces but especially into their eyes so she could see into their souls.  She would look at her dogs that were so loyal to her and brought her so much joy.  And that night she would watch the sunset and the beautiful colors that nature can create.  The second day she would watch the sunrise, and then spend the day in museums... looking at the whole of human history, and the whole of human art! That night she would spend at the theater watching a movie or a show as she so often desired to do.  And the third day she would spend in the city... watching the people run around and seeing technology at its finest.  
She ends with saying "I who am blind can give one hint to those who see ... Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be stricken blind."
She is amazing! she inspires me to want to learn more... to want to be better... and to be more grateful for what I have!  If she who is blind and deaf can know so much about literature, about art, about history, and about the human soul and nature, then the only thing that is keeping me from learning this much is my own self.  I can be my best friend or my worst enemy when it comes to learning about the humanities and other fields of interest!  I want to be a smart individual who knows how to look at high art, ballet, and classical music! I want to read literature and poetry and be able to discover the many meanings hidden in them! I hope that one day after I die I can meet Helen Keller and look into her eyes and tell her that I did not take my blessings for granted.  I did not waste my sight on things of no worth.  That would be an amazing statement to honestly be able to say.  That is one of my goals in life... to live as if tomorrow I would be stricken blind!

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