Thursday, July 2, 2009

What is Art?

In class this week we had a long discussion about what is art.  I think that this question can be answered in many many ways... to me, art has always been just pictures that hang on a wall, Beethoven's fancy music, or big museums.  However I am starting to realize that If i put a little bit of effort into finding out more about artists lives, or if i take the time to go look at paintings in a museum instead of just on the internet, I'll be able to learn so much more about why those paintings are so amazing.  And to me (at least right now) that is what art is... its a window into the artists souls, its a way to learn about human lives and interests through other peoples experiences, failures, and triumphs! I feel like if I learn what an artists life is like i will be able to see them overcome their problems and struggles through their art and then I will be able to celebrate their triumph with them!  It is a celebration of the Human soul! Its amazing to see what we have been able to do with a little bit of talent and a lot of hard work.   
Art is the expression of the soul! Ballerina's wouldn't dance if it didn't make them happy!  If they didn't find something in their dance that lifted them higher than they could on their own.  I think everyone should feel that exhilaration of doing something that you love that gives you a release from your everyday mundane life even if just for a second.  I believe that that is what keeps people dancing, or singing, or writing, or painting.  The chance to do something beyond themselves, and then if they are lucky they get to share that with others and help them see their joys or sorrows, their passion in life.  That is truly amazing! 
Another thing that I enjoyed in class this week is our discussion on symbols and what they mean.  I never realized how much symbolism in involved in art, or architecture.  My favorite symbols to learn about were the greek Gods and Goddesses.  I have always LOVED mythology! There is something about greek mythology that just makes me so happy! the stories are amazing of course, like the hero Persius and his many adventures, or Hades and underworld, and Zeus's victory over his father to create all the gods.  
All of the stories are great... but I think that my favorite think about mythology of all types is that these gods and monsters and heros were created as a way for humans to explain the world around them.  In a very real sense this was the beginning of science! Humans didn't understand why there was lightning... so they created Zeus, a god who threw lighting when he was angry.  Or they created Apollo to explain why the sun traveled across the sky everyday.  I just really like it... and I like to learn about it because, just like art, learning about an ancient cultures beliefs is a way to learn about them, their culture, and what traits and characteristics they valued the most. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the introduction of this blog. I also like how you said that art is the expression of the soul because I agree with you. Beautiful paintings wouldn't be beautiful if the artists didn't base on their emotions and devotion in the process of creating them. Great actors and actresses wouldn't be called great if they didn't express themselves with their souls while acting.
