Saturday, July 18, 2009

Musical Event

This week I chose to attend another cultural event so because on another week this semester I have a couple tests and a bridal shower to attend so that week will be very packed! 
So for my second cultural event I chose to attend Natachia Yung-Chiang Li's senior cello recital.  I did not know what to expect from the concert because I have never been to a cello solo performance.  However, I was thoroughly impressed by Natachia and her amazing talent! 

The concert was in the MOA which set the tone for the performance as an artistic event.  It was in a small little auditorium and when I arrived there were only 4 or 5 people seated throughout the seats.  I seated my self and quietly awaited the performance.  Over the next 10 minutes or so around 30 more people came in and soon the auditorium was comfortably full.   I looked over the BLANK and had a hard time understanding the musical language of the songs that she would perform.  Then I flipped the BLANK over and saw that Natachia had put a funny little cartoon and a sudoku puzzle on the back for those watching to solve while they were waiting.  I loved this! I thought it made the wait quite enjoyable and really gave me a small insight into who Natachia was as a person. 

Soon the lights dimmed and Natachia came out with her cello.  She started her first piece and I quickly fell in love with the deeper tone of the cello.  I was amazed at how many different wonderful sounds could come out of the 4 stringed instrument.  As she pulled the bow over the strings they would ring out loud and beautiful.  But my favorite sound that she made was when she plucked at the strings like a guitar.  This made a beautiful staccato like sound which added a fun tone to the music and it broke up the otherwise long notes.  

The music she played was very classical in sound.  It was full of fast scales and wonderful repetitions of tempo and sounds.  My favorite was a beautiful song that reminded me of the music for a fairy-tale movie! I literally closed my eyes and could picture a night rescuing a damsel in distress from a castle.  I pictured them meeting and then the night leading her down a staircase and fight off guards the whole way! In the end they had to escape by sliding from the wall of the castle on a rope to the ground far below! It was a fun game to play as I listened to the other songs.  

All in all, it was a wonderful concert! I left feeling uplifted and happy.  I learned what the cello sounds like, and it is so beautiful!  I just love the deep tones that can be created from the thick bottom string, and yet how high it could go when Natachia played way up high on the neck!  She had a piano accompanist as well and together they sounded amazing! I would rate this performance a 10 because she had half of the music memorized! This is very impressive considering that the first half was about 30 minutes long!  I used to play the piano and I could never memorize music and play it perfectly as she did!  I was very impressed with her skill and talent, and I loved it!


  1. I like what you have said about this musical performance. I enjoyed it too and thought that it is fascinating how a simple instrument can produce such beautiful music.

  2. You did a wonderful job descibing your experience as a whole, I feel like I was there in person. It sounds like it was a wonderful atmosphere and performance. THanks for the description, and way to go applying what we learned in class!

  3. Wow! Now I really wish that I had gone. I wanted to, but I went to a different musical performance instead. I have played in an orchestra before, so I know what the cello sounds like but I've never really heard a whole concert of it. I play the violin, but sometimes I wish that I played the cello.

  4. Music is so great isn't it? i love going to any sort of musical event because you always leave happy and motivated to do something productive. I loved how you described the sounds and movements. if you are really in the mood for more music you should hit up muse on jazz night!

  5. I like how you came up with a story to match the music.
