Thursday, July 16, 2009

Library Film Screenin

For this week's cultural experience I went to the Orem Library and watched their movie screening.  The movie they were playing this week was
A League of Their Own.  I LOVED this movie! This movie tells the true story of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL).  The AAGPBL was formed during WWII as a way to fill the gap in baseball parks while the men of the Major Leauge Baseball association were away in Europe fighting.  

This movie was amazing because it helped me understand how women were treated during the times of WWII.  In the begining of the movie the Recruiter travels around recruiting girls for the league.  However, he only takes the beautiful ones, the ones that will be nice for men to look at as they play baseball.  The recruiter, and the owners of the league, believe that the only way the league will be successful is if the girls are entertaining and nice to look at.  They do not care if the girls in the league are truly talented.   They make the girls play in mini skirts, which makes it almost impossible to slide into the bases without getting huge dirt burns!  However in the end the people of the nation learn to see the girls of the league for their talent, and they love them! That is probably what I like the most, is that in the beginning the girls are only seen as pretty, or fun to watch and in the end people realize how truly talented and good at baseball they are! 

The best character, in my opinion, was Tom Hanks who played the MLB washout Coach of the girls team.  At first he doesn't take them seriously, he just drinks and sleeps through the games.  He specifially says "GIRLS CAN'T PLAY BASEBALL!" haha!  Over time the girls change his mind. By the end of the first season he changes as a person.  At first he was a drunk who had no purpose in life and no respect for himself or others.  But in the end he is happy, and has a purpose, and he is a better person! He respects the girls and admits to their talent on the field.  

This movie came out in 1992, and has many talented actors including Tom Hanks, Madonna, Greena Davis and Rosie O'donell.  It is funny and touching.  The movie made me laugh out loud and it also made me cry a couple times! haha! My fiance laughed at me a lot because I just loved this movie!  Others in the auditorium enjoyed it as well.  There were kids and older people in the auditorium who were also laughing as well!  I loved the characters and I loved watching their story as they worked their way to the top and triumphed over those who said they would fail.  

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