Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gianlorenzo Bernini

Out of all artistic works we have looked at in class the ones that have struck me as the most beautiful are those of Gianlorenzo Bernini.  Bernini was a sculpture and artist in Rome during the Counter-Reformation.  This artistic time period can be classified as Mantic focussing on the energetic, realistic, emotional, and religious.  All of these can be used to describe Bernini's work!  His sculptures are all so emotional!  The sculptures that we looked at in class were Apollo and Daphne, The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, and The Damned Soul.  All of these pieces of art left an impression on my mind.  With all of them I wanted to know the stories behind them, and I wanted to learn more about the person who could create such beautiful works out of stone.  Bernini's father was a sculpture and Bernini grew up learning from him how to work with stone.  Because of his skill and his association with his father Bernini gained patrons early in his life.  He carved many sculptures throughout Rome and he was eventually chosen by Pope Urban VIII to design St. Peter's Square in front of the Vatican. 

I have never visited the Vatican but when I look at pictures like these, it makes me want to hop on a plane right now and fly over to Rome!  there are so many statues surrounding the Square, and beautiful fountains and statues inside as well.  

I am just amazed by all that was able to accomplish during his life time.  He work still affects the world today!  Hundreds of thousands of people have traveled to Rome and walked in St. Peters Square.  His other monuments can be seen all throughout Rome.  My favorite that I saw was the Castle St. Angelo in Rome.  Here is a picture of it! 

How amazing it that! Its this big round castle and Bridge leading to it is lined with beautiful angel statues.  Bernini designed this and he personally carved 2 of the angles and then his students carved the others based off of his directions.  I just can't believe that one man could create this.  I mean, I know that he had help but it is so impressive that all of this came out of his head! 

Bernini lived to be 82.  He was described as an extremely hard worker often working 7 or 8 hours a day on a sculpture without stopping.  He was a religious man and his pieces of art were used by the Catholic church to draw people into the chapels and into Rome.  When I look at his works of art I feel uplifted.  I feel that a man could not do this without having some sort of inspiration from God.  Bernini was not a perfect man by any sense but he was able to do so much with his talents.  He and his works are an inspiration to me, and one day I will travel to Rome so I can view them in person!


  1. I'm with you in the fact that I really want to go to Rome. Just seeing the Bernini statues would be enough and then thinking about everything else that is there it seems like a necessity to go sometime in your life.

  2. I'm not seeing the pictures you posted, and I'd really like to with the great descriptions you have of them.
